
The JEMMA code-base has been developed since 2010 by Telecom Italia which holds the Copyright on the original code base. The first release of JEMMA has been made in October, 2013 by Telecom Italia and Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) in cooperation with the whole Energy@home community.

Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) is currently supporting the project by animating the open source community and contributing with new developments.

Telecom Italia acknowledges that the JEMMA Open Source Project was partially supported by the following public projects:

ISMB acknowledges that the JEMMA Open Source Project was partially supported by the following public projects:

Development Team

The JEMMA open source community is animated by a team @ ISMB and Telecom Italia including Ivan Grimaldi, Riccardo Tomasi, Fabio Baravalle.

The official place where all JEMMA related discussions are held is the JEMMA General Maling list

Key Contributors

The JEMMA project acknowledges the contribution of the following developers, who have been involved in the development of JEMMA before its release as open source project.