JEMMA Contacts

Direct inquiries

Contact the JEMMA Development Team for any inquiry related to business/technical/research aspects.

Mailing list

The JEMMA General Mailing List is the official place for public discussions among developers and users. This service is hosted by Google Groups.

Do you want to join with a Google account ?

To join with your Google account, just click "Apply to join group" in the JEMMA General Mailing List page. After your membership is approved, you will be able to post new messages both by e-mail or using the web interface.

Do you want to join with any other e-mail address ?

You must fill-in your details (and some captcha) in this subscription form. Google Groups will send a confirmation link in your inbox: you should click it to finalize the application request. You will then receive a notification when your membership is approved. With this type of subscription you can post messages only by email, using You will still be able to access the public list archives, but you will not be allowed to post via the web interface.

Troubles joining ?

Some users report troubles when joining with a non-Google e-mail address (e.g. a work mail). These problems probably happen when you are logged with a Google account (e.g. a personal account) during the join process. In order to avoid these issues, you can just log out from any Google account before trying to join with a non-Google e-mail address. If still this does not work, please ask for assistance to the JEMMA Development Team.